The crash on startup on some Windows machines introduced in version 3.6.0 has now been fixed. Tracks from the iTunes library located in folders containing accented characters are now loadable and playable again via TRAKTOR's iTunes mode. Some iTunes tracks unable to load on Windows.Tracks streamed from Beatport and Beatsource no longer produce audio crackles on Windows 11 version 22H2 KB5018341 and later. Audio crackling on Beatport tracks (Windows).The default values of the Pattern Player are now correctly initialized for updating users. Pattern Player: Defaults not set for updating users (Plus).The pitch value of the Pattern Player is now correctly initialized to zero on startup. Pattern Player: Pitch not initialized (Plus).The Controller Manager now includes a factory mapping for the F1 covering all functions of the Pattern Player, including the pattern customizability. F1: Pattern Player factory mapping (Plus).The factory patterns of the Pattern Player can now be customized by enabling or disabling individual steps of the pre-programmed patterns. Pattern Player: Customizable patterns (Plus).For subscribers of TRAKTOR PRO Plus, version 3.8.0 introduces the customizability of Pattern Player kits, five new artist kits from Florian Meindl's Riemann Kollektion, as well as several bug fixes and stability improvements for all users.